Programs We Love to Fund
The success of our fundraising and programs is dependent on volunteer parents, student and friends of the Whittell families. A good community makes for a good school, and a good school improves the quality of the community. Use this form to submit your requests.
Scholarships for Academic and Vocational Opportunities
Sports Programs for Middle and High Schoolers
Support For Underprivileged Students
Prom, Homecoming and Winter Formal
Teacher and Classroom Supplies
New Student Orientation
Library Enhancements
Graduations and Moving Up Celebrations
Fieldtrips and On-Site Experiences
Rallies and Spirit Days
Teacher Engagement
Student Incentives
STEM Equipment
Science Bowl
Whittell Logowear
Lake Schools Promotion & Publicity
Past and on going projects
AP Gift Bags
Boosters covered the cost of AP testing in 2023 for every AP student and gave everyone a gift bag with waters, pencils, gum, and mini deodorants to show our confidence in them on test day.
Tennis Club
We don't have a team (yet!), but we have a tennis court across the street so Boosters organized a Middle School Tennis Club to build skills so the kids are ready when they age up to high school.
Clue Game Night & Dinner
Culinary Educator, Ms. Martin organized an elaborate Clue Night & Dinner to raise money for more delicious Culinary activities. Boosters covered the food costs.
Physics of
We supported the Physics Class on an unconventional, but totally educational, trip to a real life physics lab on motion at Magic Mountain.
Actors from the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival come to Whittell for 2 weeks/year to work with our 6-12th Graders to perform the Bard's Best, and explore self-expression, public speaking and language.
Robot Babies for
Psych Class
Psych Class
Boosters bought five robot babies to help students explore human development, empathy and partnered relationships. They do cry and sleep, but they are normal baby-sized.
Bridge Building & Innovations
Boosters provides a stipend to every teacher to buy extra supplies at their discretion. 6th Grade uses hers for physics projects and gets additional help to run the Innovations elective for middle schoolers.
Movie Nights
Under the Stars
Under the Stars
Fall and Spring nights in Tahoe are magical. Movie Nights on the lawn with popcorn and friends are now a cornerstone of Homecoming Week.
Academic Team Uniforms
It was clearly the spiffy sweaters that carried the Academic Team to State for the last two years in a row. A uniformed team is a unified team: 3rd in 2022 and 2nd Place in 2023. Looking smart, kiddos!